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President Christine Brownlow introduced Mac Rivenbark as a new board member. He is a veteran and a resident of our town. Chris called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM and asked Mac to take us through the Pledge of Allegiance. Chris welcomed everyone and acknowledged veterans as part of Memorial Day. Next month’s meeting will be on Wednesday, June 29 via Zoom.

Davie Police/Crime Report: Detective Hobales provided his update: 87 citations in SWR, and 42 in Sunshine Ranches. Crime overall was light, however, there are catalytic convertors being stolen throughout the area. He urged residents to keep cars close to their houses, locked and in a well-lit area. Det. Hobales has stressed repeatedly for residents not to leave keyfobs in their cars. Finally, there was a horse rescue today from a canal.

Chris would like to do an Officer of the Month on The Waggler to highlight the Davie Police members and introduce them to the community. We have 14 officers assigned to us. Jason Halberg, Treasurer, also suggested alternating with Fire Department as “Get to know your First Responders”. We are looking for articles for The Waggler and Det. Hobales will consider writing an article. Chris also raised concerns about the elderly population in our area.

Town Council Member Comments: Mayor Steve Breitkreuz led off with great news about Volunteer Rd and Sheridan: there will be no northbound traffic leaving Holman Automotive onto 148th Ave. (Volunteer Road). Initially, the Council did a resolution opposing the change and after a lot of back and forth, Davie has taken the same position as us, and while not yet final, the Mayor was encouraged that it will not pass.

Hurricane season is here and we need to make sure that we plan early before important items run out. Please prepare! Special meeting on Thursday, June 2 regarding the sale of the property out west (west of SW 196), CCA property which the Town bought and is now selling. We have a reputable buyer; will be warehouse use and low impact since it’s not near homes. Mayor is very happy with this and thanked the administration, esp. Keith.

Gary Jablowski gave an update on several items: Green Meadows phase 2 is about completed; Dykes Road drainage is underway, Transportation TSDR is continuing; Guard rails on Stirling and Hancock are complete. Also gave brief updates on other items including the America Rescue plan, and a Federal community request: Our community rating system at 100% will help our flood insurance rates to go down.

Sally Broken asked Mr. Jablowski about the Church property lot which is now up for sale which was to be developed by resident/developer Carlos Martinez. Gary is advocating for larger lots and proposed the Rural Ranches Plus (RR+) as a new zoning category. We currently have Rural Ranches (RR) and Rural Estates (RE). RR is 2 net acres, which is the lot size for Mr. Martinez’s proposed development. Sally expressed that she has sat on the county board for years and that 2 net acres are very acceptable for lot size. We had a rich discussion by many members who expressed their opinion and support of keeping the lot size at 2 net acres (RR) for the proposed new development as presented by developer Martinez. With respect to our current zoning, the developer is complying. Most of us live under RR and many who live on the east side of SWR expressed support of the existing plan. Councilmember Gary stated that he heard us loud and clear. Jason said that we want to work together and asked for support. In summary, President Chris said that it is needful that the community’s opinions be heard, since we reached out to the community and got a unanimous vote by attendees at the February 23rd SRHOA meeting.

Councilmember Bob Hartmann praised the Davie Police’s Homeowners Vacation Extra Watch. You must set it up about 1 week in advance. Davie will watch your house 2 days to 2 weeks and will visit your house. This is a free service and he encouraged residents to use it! Finally, Bob advised that his 4 year term as Councilman is coming up and he will be running again this year.

Councilman David Kuczenski wrote an article in the DRW explaining Quasi-Judicial which will be coming out next issue. David was very adamant about the U-Turn issue having an eastbound northbound turn onto Volunteer Rd., which is a significant win for us. We passed a resolution opposing this and the Mayor was very diligent in his actions. Also supported Davie Vacation Watch.

President’s report. We sent a card to Senator Book, regarding her dad who has cancer. George Callis sent $1000 for the Scholarship Fund. Gave a shout-out to the Parkers who have a 48 anniversary in late May. Also gave an update about our elderly community. Chris wants to create an Elder Help Group, in conjunction with the blessing of the Town and the Council. We had a great discussion on how to identify the needs and people who need assistance, as well as how to get residents involved in this. Other items: School will be out, so please remember the 25 MPH limit. July is award presentation for scholarship recipients. The August meeting will be in person at Wunderbar.

VP report: we now have a new Communications person who will help, esp. with social media. Will look for fun and upbeat ways to feature and support our neighborhood.

Treasurer’s report: Balance $37,093 as of April 30, 2022. We also had a discussion about our budget and how it is split, including the expense side of the budget, the largest portion of which is the production of the The Waggler. We will show the breakout in a future Waggler.

Membership report: 233 members.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Jason Halberg advised that President Christine Brownlow’s would not be in attendance. He introduced DaNell D’Alfonso as the new Vice President for the SRHOA. The meeting was called to order at 7:37 PM by DaNell and Jason led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. DaNell welcomed everyone. Next month’s meeting will be on Wednesday, February 23rd via Zoom.

Davie Police/Crime Report: Detective Hobales provided an update. 133 citations in SWR, 42 in Sunshine Ranches. Crime overall was light, however, there are catalytic convertors being stolen throughout the area. He urged residents to keep cars close to their houses, locked and in a well-lit area. Detective Hobales introduced Det. Jessica Wollschlager, the Town’s expert auto theft detective.

Det. Hobales has stressed repeatedly for residents not to leave keyfobs in their cars. Firearms and keyfobs are being left in cars and there have been “rumors” spreading around about this area being a good target for thefts due to cars being left unlocked.

A resident asked about 911 calls not being answered, which was on the local news recently, and wanted to find out about response times. Detective Hobales confirmed that there is a staff shortage at this time.

Town Council Member Comments:

Mayor Steve Breitkreuz advised that the Farmers Market will be held this Saturday and that it will be the last market until the fall. All of the vendors and participants have been very pleased with this new addition to our town. The location is the southwest corner of Dykes and Griffin Roads and the time is from 10 am to 2 pm.

Councilman David Kuczenski… FPL has been installing underground powerlines on Luray and Mustang Roads and is putting transformers in front of every road. This does not include AT&T or Comcast lines, just FPL. Want to know if we want to have an FPL rep come to the next HOA meeting or have a separate meeting for the whole town. Each Homeowner will have to give an easement to FPL and we will need to come up with a decision. FPL published info about how flooding could affect electric service with underground power lines vs. above the ground powerlines.

Judy Parker had reiterated her concern about heavy traffic on Mustang. Luray will be the next road to be paved, so the concern is that folks are crossing over to get to Franklin Academy. Concern about speeding and heavier traffic. Shotz community is also concerned about the increased traffic. Carlos Martinez asked about the clean-up of our canals and what we can do. David said that it is Central Broward’s jurisdiction. In the past, they used to clean the canals but there is no funding for cleaning of the canals at this time.

Councilman Jim Allbritton thanked the board for the invitation to the great Party at the Park which took place in April. Residents in Green Meadows are very pleased with the Farmers Market. He also gave a shout-out to the Sheik run, as $10,000 was raised for the Scholarship Fund. He invited all to the committee meeting on May 3 to help address the speeding issues on Volunteer Road and throughout. Earth Day at Caloosa Park was a success, new plants were put in. Finally, Green Meadows District 3 is working to get its Association back together! Looking forward to having that up again, and they will be joining us by the end of the year.

DaNell introduced Carlos Martinez, a town resident, and developer who bought the land on Griffin and Hancock from the Baptist Church. The closing was 2 months ago and he sent a copy of the warranty deed to Jason. Looking forward to getting the project started. Mr. Mayor and Councilmembers Jim and David signed off to allow Carlos to speak freely. Mr. Martinez shared his vision and current site plan for the development: 16 lots on 40 acres, each 2 acres net, not 2 acres plus (gross per lot is 2.5 acres); provide horse trails, including an interior horse trail in the development. Will not be public roads. All properties will slope toward their own pond, so no water will be passed on to others, thus maintaining all water on site. Mr. Martinez wants to have full support and for all neighbors to feel involved. He said that as a resident and as a neighbor himself, he wants to feel the needs. He has spoken to Andy Burns and Councilmembers. Will not be putting any entrances into the community.

There were several questions and discussions. Many residents showed support and some said that this is the best development plan yet. DaNell thanked him and shared that President Chris is in support.

President’s report. May meeting will be on Zoom. In the summer, will look to do some in-person meetings. Picnic in the Park was great; we had $450 in donations and added several new members. We will be doing a Military Tribute in the May Waggler. The Plaques are up!

Treasurer’s report: Balance $36,437 as of March 31, 2022.

Membership report: 233 members.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:21 PM.

On June 14th we honor of Old Glory…wave your flags with pride! On the 19th we pay homage to the rock of our home: Dad. Please tell your father how much you love and respect him…whether he is here or not, he will hear you. This year begins the first commemoration of June 19th, and the liberation of the slaves. It is a day to celebrate.

  • We are excited to see the completion of the guard rails along Hancock Road! Please thank all our council members for their efforts on this project. It is a more safe and secure drive.

  • Senator Lauren Book’s father has had a cancer relapse. The SRHOA has sent a card to her. We are grateful for their donation to our HOA and wish only the best for the Book family. May Ron make a speedy recovery and enjoy the love/support of family.

  • An immense “Thank you” goes to George Cailis and the American Hellenic Educational & Progressive Association (AHEPA) for their generous $1,000 donation to the Town of SWR Scholarship Fund. George, you, and your colleagues are wonderful…thank you!!!

  • As of this writing, we have been assured there will be NO NORTHBOUND TURN LANE OFF SHERIDAN ONTO VOLUNTEER. Also, there will be no northbound access coming out of Holman. Traffic will need to go east or west on Sheridan, not come across. Please see the letter from Mr. Richard Tornese included in this issue.

  • Please be reminded k-12 will finish the school year June 9th: kids will be on bikes, horses, golf carts, etc. The posted speed limit of 25mph is the law, not a suggestion. Drive as if your own children were on the street.

  • The Town of SWR Scholarship Foundation will award recipients at the second July council meeting. There are several wonderful young men and women who will receive funds…please attend the meeting to salute our town’s youth.

  • June officially begins hurricane season (although it appears storms have started earlier). Make sure to read, and keep handy, the town’s June newsletter which dedicates itself to all things important and necessary during this time.

  • Finally, we realize there are a number of residents/neighbors who are older. We are looking to create an elder care group/hotline to ensure our more mature members have a lifeline available in case of any emergency, whether big or small. If you wish to assist in this endeavor, please reach out to any member of your SRHOA board.

  • Support Southwest Ranches’ Certified Community Habitat status by certifying your own backyard through the National Wildlife Federation’s backyard habitat program…it is easy, plus you may purchase and proudly display a certification sign. Go to today to certify.

  • Mayor Breitkreuz’s next “Q & A with Mayor Breitkreuz,” along with the SWR Farmers’ Market, will resume in September. Steve is taking the summer off from his Q & A meetings and will likely resume in the fall. We ask you stay connected for updates. Please join Steve’s Zoom meeting to enjoy a relaxed and collegial discussion concerning events and needs of the Southwest Ranches community.

  • Remember, the Council meets face-to-face at Town Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Occasionally, dates may change. Please check the Southwest Rancher and/or for meeting dates, times, and agendas. Internet viewing is also an option, just go to your YouTube connection and type “Town of Southwest Ranches Official Channel.”

Please stay connected…join our SRHOA Gmail (, visit our website (, or view our posts at

As always be safe, be happy, and be loved.
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