Updated: Mar 5, 2022
HOA President Christina Brownlow called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm and welcomed all. We sang Happy Birthday to Chris, who was celebrating her 57 birthday. Also, Dolly Parton stopped by via a Zoom video prepared by Jason Halberg, to sing Happy Birthday to the tune of “9 to 5”!
Detective Hobales of the Davie Police Department provided an update on the citations and complaints in the Ranches. A car was burglarized on Saxon Circle. Burglars check the car doors to see if they are unlocked. In one case, they took a gun from a car. He reminded the residents: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR OPEN. There were several mailbox thefts. He recommends for residents to get Locked mailboxes. Some on Marvin Ln and Hancock were pried open. So, please, get your mail early if you can. Also, use caution if you go to the Bank to make a withdrawal.
Officer Christie Laguna wrote 10 tickets on SW 127 on the day of the meeting! She has noticed that a lot of people are not closing their gates in driveways at night. Close your gates at night!
Officer Perez reminded residents to get in the habit to do the “9 PM check”…: Check that your doors are closed and your lights are on. Also, remember that if you go away, you can ask the Davie police to do a vacation check on your residence.
Chris thanked all the officers for their commitment and for all the support. She also recognized all of the people in the line of work that have given their lives for service, to be honored Memorial Day Week.
Chris introduced Councilman David Kuczenski, from District 4. David also recognized the service people ahead of the Memorial Day weekend. Other Council members and the Mayor were in a conflicting meeting or out of town due to the holiday.
David advised that there is a pending item before the Board regarding regulation of future nurseries in the town. Some residents want to put restrictions on new nurseries. Others feel that it is up to the owners of the nurseries to decide what they want to do.
There is also a big project to put guardrails along Hancock Road where the canal is. This is a Governor issue. Need to ensure that there is access for horses. Legislature also passed a loosening of regulation on home-based business. Waiting to see what Governor will do with it.
The board is also awaiting the surveying for the re- paving of several of our streets. David also mentioned the speeding issues in the Ranches. There has been significant speeding, esp. on Appaloosa.
The Board wants to also address the painting of the entrance ways. Cindy San Martino is one of our residents who faithfully volunteers to do the painting for the entrance ways. We want to acknowledge her and thank her!
David gave his number and is available for any questions or comments. (305-815-0990)
David acknowledged the issues going on next door to the Cailis’ residence. The new owner of the land there continues to dump.
•Please join any board meeting for comments (no voting privileges).
Memorial Day is not a time to thank people, but to honor those we have lost. 3 pm is a national moment of silence to honor the fallen brothers and sisters.
June 10 and 24 are the next council meeting dates. There is also a monthly open forum by Mayor Steve on the second Wednesday of the month. There is an Advisory board meeting in June, and then a hiatus in July. The meetings will soon begin to be physical meetings instead of Zoom. The Town Hall opens on June 7, from 8:30 am to noon.
Chris opened the meeting to the board for open items. SRHA VP Jason Halberg advised that the HOA fiscal year is from April to March. We have received various renewals and are thankful for these. Some residents have expressed interest in doing online payments and Jason advised that we plan to have it available for next year’s dues.
As a reminder, ANNUAL DUES OF $50 ARE DUE!!
Chris thanked Jason for all his work and enhancements to social media.
Introduced Judi Parker, Treasurer, and congratulated the Parkers (Bob and Judi) who celebrated 47 years of marriage. Treasury update: $22, 580.91 balance, $20,564. as of May. We will provide residents with information, likely on social media about what the $50 annual fee supports.
Finally, resident George Cailis voiced his concern about his neighbor’s land becoming a dump. Approximately 5 loads are coming in per day, and George feels it will become like Vista View Park. The lot is on Hancock on the west side between Luray and Mustang.
Chris’ final remarks were in recognition of several folks who have served our country, and she recognized Bob Parker, a Korean war and Vietnam war veteran. George Cailis also served, and Ed Gonzalez served in military. June 14 is Flag Day. June 20 is Father’s Day.
The meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 30 at 7:30 pm, via Zoom.
Updated: Mar 5, 2022
The general HOA meeting started at 7:35 pm. HOA president Christina Brownlow welcomed all residents, new board members, town staff, Davie police department, and Waste Pro representatives.
• Waste Pro representative Ken Rivera provided information on the industry and resident services. The 2022 schedule will be available soon. The waste industry as a whole is experiencing issues with the labor force, mainly a reduction in workers. Three workers who service the SWR area have had several incidents or injuries, and Ken is finding it difficult to recruit new workers. As a result, there have been some delays in their service to our residents. Chris suggested that the Town can help by getting the word out in the Waggler.
• There have also been some issues with the bulk trucks, which have caused some delays in service. As a reminder, bulk trash maximum is 12 cubic yards. Waste Pro is asking residents to cut large tree stumps. The heavy weight of large trees puts a strain on the claws of the truck, which are hydraulically driven. Council Member Allbritton asked about the fine for exceeding the 12 cu yds; Ken confirmed that it is $17 per cu yard in excess of the 12 cu yds. Bulk trash should be put out before 6:45 AM on Monday of your designated bulk pick up and as early as the Saturday prior. Ken provided his phone number to the board (954-445-9214) and is available for any questions or issues.
• Detective Hobales, Officer Elliott and Officer Christy of the Davie Police Department provided an update. In March, there were 166 citations, 72 of which were in Sunshine Ranches. Officer Christy began using the Town’s new laser to enforce speeding limits. Additionally, there were 2 arrests in SWR, 1 burglary and 1 theft. Someone took a car from a house on Hancock; 2 juveniles were arrested. Additionally, there was a burglary on Hancock. There was a party on Sunset in FloRida’s former home; however, the owner did not want to press charges. Finally, the local news covered a story about a wedding being held at a house on Hancock that was for sale. There was no entry into the property, so there were no charges. The DPD reminds all residents to lock our cars and our doors! Do a 9 pm check and ensure your property is locked! We discussed doing a targeted Facebook blast about locking our cars, and Jason Halberg, our VP, posted it that night. He also suggested we put a reminder on the Waggler.
• DPD also mentioned that there is a Special Needs Program on their website via www.Davie-FL.gov. This is for citizens who may require special assistance in an emergency situation. They invite our residents to proactively provide information to their department for any loved ones with special needs. SWR has an aging population, so it will be a beneficial service.
• Finally, a board member told about a neighbor who races sports cars down Hancock at high speeds. Officer Elliott asked for her to call Davie PD non-emergency number. Also, a resident asked to put up more 25 mph speed limit signs. This has been requested. Also requested electronic signs with car speeds to be placed.
• A resident had a question for the Board about security cameras. Mayor Steve Breitkreuz said that this is still in process and a policy is being developed for this. There will be no tax implication. They will be tag scanner cameras. Next step is to determine what areas will be the correct locations. We have a limited number of cameras, so will need to continue to assess and finalize.
• Vice Mayor Bob Hartmann said that town hall will begin to open up in June for the Council meetings. They will properly arrange the rooms w/ correct spacing. Stay tuned for more details.
• David Kuczenski, District 4, spoke on Transportation program for rehabilitation of drainage and resurfacing of the roads which will be completed before the end of the year. Fortunately, we will have new paving: SW 128 Ave off Griffin, SW 130 Ave off Griffin, SW 133 Ave off Griffin, Lupo Ln., Holatee Trail from Stirling to Old Sheridan.
• Mayor Steve Breitkreuz reminded of the new open mic Zoom meetings, held the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Mayor spoke about the major construction on Stirling which is causing a lot of noise, plus blowing of dirt and dust. Part of the big issue is that there is no berm to protect the neighbors, and we need to figure out how to motivate the owner to put up a berm.
• Christina wrapped up by wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to the moms! Memorial Day is a special day, and at 3 pm there will be a moment of silence for those who have served. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!
The meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 26, via Zoom.
Updated: Jul 20, 2021
June, a time to recognize our flag and our fathers.
Did you know…By Law, the USA Burns Thousands of Flags Every Year on June 14th
Section 176 (k) of the US Flag Code (a set of rules on the correct treatment of the Stars and Stripes) provides that: “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Subsequently every year military veteran organizations and the Boy Scouts of America burn thousands of US flags between them. Flag burnings (or “retirements” to give it its official terminology) are usually held on Flag Day, June 14.
When was Father’s Day established?
Father's Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas. Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his six children there.
This year, Father’s Day is a bittersweet occasion, not just for my sister and me, but for many, many friends. As I/we remember our fathers with love and admiration, let us honor their lives through our good actions and honorable intents. The mold has definitely been broke with the loss of this generation of very fine men.
Mayor Breitkreuz’s June “Q & A with Mayor Steve Breitkreuz” will be 9th. Please join Steve’s Zoom meeting to enjoy a relaxed and collegial discussion concerning events and needs of the Southwest Ranches community.
If you have not already done so, please get vaccinated. I personally received the Moderna, and outside of a sore arm and slight tiredness, I felt great. Do it for you; do it for your family.
The SRHOA is working on the 2021 membership list. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the board through the Gmail account (see below), or any of our personal emails (listed on the inside cover of The Waggler).
Davie Police Department continues to do a wonderful job in our community. Look for their “Courtesy Notices” informing your area of their presence…do not hesitate to call them with concerns or problems. Also, the department has a Special Needs Registry designed to “improve interactions and responses with those individuals with special needs and who reside within the Town of Davie.” Please visit DaviePolice.com to complete the Special Needs Registry Form.
Please stay connected…join our SRHOA Gmail (sunshinerancheshoa@gmail.com), visit our website (www.sunshineranches.org), or view our posts at facebook.com/SunshineRanches.
As always be safe, be happy, and be loved.
June, a time to recognize our flag and our fathers.
Did you know…By Law, the USA Burns Thousands of Flags Every Year on June 14th
Section 176 (k) of the US Flag Code (a set of rules on the correct treatment of the Stars and Stripes) provides that: “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Subsequently every year military veteran organizations and the Boy Scouts of America burn thousands of US flags between them. Flag burnings (or “retirements” to give it its official terminology) are usually held on Flag Day, June 14.
When was Father’s Day established?
Father's Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas. Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his six children there.
This year, Father’s Day is a bittersweet occasion, not just for my sister and me, but for many, many friends. As I/we remember our fathers with love and admiration, let us honor their lives through our good actions and honorable intents. The mold has definitely been broke with the loss of this generation of very fine men.
Mayor Breitkreuz’s June “Q & A with Mayor Steve Breitkreuz” will be 9th. Please join Steve’s Zoom meeting to enjoy a relaxed and collegial discussion concerning events and needs of the Southwest Ranches community.
If you have not already done so, please get vaccinated. I personally received the Moderna, and outside of a sore arm and slight tiredness, I felt great. Do it for you; do it for your family.
The SRHOA is working on the 2021 membership list. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the board through the Gmail account (see below), or any of our personal emails (listed on the inside cover of The Waggler).
Davie Police Department continues to do a wonderful job in our community. Look for their “Courtesy Notices” informing your area of their presence…do not hesitate to call them with concerns or problems. Also, the department has a Special Needs Registry designed to “improve interactions and responses with those individuals with special needs and who reside within the Town of Davie.” Please visit DaviePolice.com to complete the Special Needs Registry Form.
Please stay connected…join our SRHOA Gmail (sunshinerancheshoa@gmail.com), visit our website (www.sunshineranches.org), or view our posts at facebook.com/SunshineRanches.
As always be safe, be happy, and be loved.