SRHA General Meeting Minutes - June 24, 2015
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:36pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes of May 2015 General Meeting: no quorum, so unable to approve.
Davie Police Department update: by Officer D. Graziadei
No major crime activity reported since last meeting;
Year to date: 1250 traffic citations written town wide;
124 accidents year to date, down from last year at same time
Update on Town Events & Projects: by Councilman Gary Jablonski:
Regardless of posted speed limits, according to a 2001 SWR code ordinance based on State law, drivers should exercise “reasonable care” around horses on roadway or swails;
As requested, a couple of “Slow for Horses” signs installed on Mustang Trail;
Reminders about upcoming town wide family celebrations.
Town will send email reminder to be considerate of the animals in our town as we celebrate the July 4th holiday with fireworks.
President’s Report: by Ani Ruiz Chang
SRHA board members helped at the successful Education Board’s Scholarship Food Truck fundraiser on May 30.
New SRHA Logo finalized
Target date for updated Waggler design is August edition. A few changes already visible in July edition. Personal classified ads will be available free to SHRA members; $10 for non-members. Saied Taie-tehrani and Minute Man Press recognized for great job in taking on the layout/production of the Waggler for the June and July editions.
Treasurer’s Report: by Dennis Hugdahl.
Current bank balance $3,969.07;
Checks to be deposited $150;
Outstanding check of $1,400 for Waggler expenses not included.
Trending about the same as last year at this time.
Committee Reports:
Waggler: 7 advertisement contracts received; No outstanding receivables collected during June. New ads will not be printed unless payment & contract is submitted.
Membership: Current membership 291 – 5 new applications received. Up about by 44 compared with same time last year - 59 away from goal of 350 for this year.
Sunshine: Sunshine and Membership committees implementing new process to send welcome letters and application to new residents.
Drainage: Mustang and Hancock project is going forward. Jose Chang will be joining Vince Falletta on the Drainage Committee.
Beautification: Courtesy of John Zito, low maintenance landscape designs created for 7 Sunshine Ranches entrances – 5 small, 2 large; landscape improvements approved by Town. As part of the SRHA “Adopt-a-Corner” initiative, local nurseries will be invited to donate plants and monthly maintenance of one or more entrances. Volunteers welcomed to approach nurseries on our behalf.
Unfinished Business:
Meeting reminder signs for all entrances can be made now that logo is finalized. Ani will coordinate with Chris Brownslow.
Suggestion Box: input from May meeting:
Safety Grant suggestions:
LED lighting around STOP signs;
A few (one or two) rumble strips before STOP signs (preferred option);
Real Estate feature for Waggler: Monthly list of SWR properties for sale
New Business:
Proposed Park and Ride off of Griffin and I-75: Residents encouraged by Councilman Doug McKay (town representative to the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization) to attend a meeting of the MPO on July 9th to support the REMOVAL of the Park and Ride plan along portion of Griffin & I-75. The SRHA will send a reminder to members with all details.
2015-2016 social/fundraising events: there will be a mix of joint (with other HOA’s) and Sunshine Ranches only events. Tentative plans are for:
July ’15: SRHA Board and Committee Leader appreciation event proposed;
Sep. ’15: SRHA Membership appreciation – perhaps pot-luck gathering at Equestrian Park.
Oct. ’15: Addition of Farmer’s Market component at Town Craft Fair; this would be expanded in 2016 to a Spring and Fall SRHA family event;
Nov. ’15: Addition of Country Festival component at AKF Car Show Fundraiser
Dec. ’15: Joint Christmas party at Rolling Oaks park with other HOA”s.
Summer 2016: Summer Splash family event - water based because of hot weather. Open to all Town residents, but planned and run by SRHA.
Open Discussion:
Reminder from Councilman Steve Breitkreuz about the “the Hazardous Waste Pick-up scheduled for July 11th at Rolling Oaks Park.
Call to Action: Ani encouraged the members to do one of the following:
Volunteer on the SRHA Beautification or Hospitality Committees;
Join one of the town advisory boards where our SRHA is underrepresented;
Invite someone to next month’s meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.