SRHA General Meeting, August 26, 2015
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:35pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ani acknowledged two new attendees.
Davie Police Department Update by Officer D. Graziadei
70 service calls in Sunshine Ranches this month;
162 citations issued in August and 18 accidents reported;
Two golf carts were stolen from a fenced-in yard on Stirling;
Be vigilant of school zones and report any suspicious activity;
Resident asked that more attention be given to the side streets (Luray and Mustang) with regard to speeders trying to avoid Stirling.
Update on Town Events and Projects by Councilman Gary Jablonski
The Stirling Road guardrails will be installed before the striping is applied to the road, which will narrow the lanes;
A resident requested that the pothole on Holatee (Luray and Mustang) be filled
A resident asked how long a permitted building site can remain vacant
Guest Speaker: Chief Lee Bennett of the SWR Volunteer Fire Rescue
Has been involved with fire/rescue for 31 years, was Chief of Port Everglades;
SWRVFR has 40 certified firefighters, majority are EMTs and paramedics;
Area covered: 160th Avenue to US27 and Griffin to Sheridan
SWRVFR provides quicker emergency response; starting CPR & basics;
The contract with Davie is for $2.6 million, Town’s firefighters receive $340,000;
SWRVFR will schedule a night to teach a CPR class.
President’s Report by Ani Ruiz Chang
Safety Grant Application: Securing final bid, need letters from residents on Luray and Mustang related to speeding
Adopt a Corner: Both large signs are cleaned up; need volunteers on 9/12 & 9/26, 8-11:00 am for improvements; the Town has approved use of the water from the fire hydrant at Griffin and Hancock to water the plants there; the Town will provide a logo sign for the Flamingo and Stirling entrance.
Board Appreciation Event for the board members will take place on Sept. 4th.
Upcoming Events: Farmer’s Market at Craft Fair and the Aster Knight fundraiser; SRHA will host a tent at the Town’s birthday celebration on 11/7, joint HOA town-wide Christmas party on 12/19.
Treasurer’s Report by Ani Ruiz Chang
Dennis Hugdahl has resigned; Saied was appointed to serve as Treasurer until the next election;
Report: beginning balance of $1,549.02, one check written for $33.90, ending balance of $1,515.12.
Committee Reports
Waggler: There will be new ads in the October issue.
Membership: Two new members, 305 members total.
Sunshine (Rachel Greene): Sent three welcome letters to new property owners; her nephew, Vinton Blount, is a finalist on “America’s Got Talent”; advice: if your property is declared a wetland, fight it; the Greenes and Rosina won their cases.
Drainage (Vince Falletta): People use the canals as a disposal unit; Central Broward Water Control District uses thousands of our dollars to clean up our canals; volunteered to call members to attend our meetings.
Beautification: There are handouts for the Adopt-a-Corner project.
Unfinished Business
Ani thanked Chris for the new meeting signs and the Parkers, who placed the signs.
New Business
Rick Bell: AKF fundraiser: Nov. 14th, 11:00am-3:00pm; 200-300 classic cars, $20 to enter a car, prizes will be awarded; a country fair for families, staffed byTown volunteers; a booth run by the Rare Fruit and Vegetable Council; purpose is to raise funds to supplement and help improve the Town’s parks; Councilman Doug McKay challenged his fellow councilmen to participate in a “Dunk Booth.”
The SRHA has been asked to host a tent at the Town’s birthday party on 11/7
Call to Action: Volunteer sign up, show up for the clean-up events; speak passionately about the association to our neighbors.
Ani wished all a Happy Labor Day.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.